Author: Becca

Hi All! It's Becca, and l'm blogging Big Brother. I hope you’ll enjoy my take on the season. Aside from Big Brother recaps and spoilers, I also write essays, editorials, articles and poetry on my personal blog. Follow me on Twitter: @rebeccakayj. My opinions are mine alone, unless you agree with me. Then, they are facts. If you disagree with me, they are just alternative facts.

After the POV ceremony when Erica kept the noms in place, Ryan feels like his HOH was a bust. Hamza feels comfortable next to Andrew. He’s going to relax and chill. Ryan admits that he overplayed his hand. He tells Andrew that he wants to stay in the HOH room to see if anyone tries to talk game with him. He wanted to send a threat out the back door. Ryan says that he has no alliance, and no one has his back. Maybe because you’re untrustworthy and have had major HOHitis. Andrew and Hamza are in the bathroom with…

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Though he put his 2 best allies on the block, Ryan has a plan to save them both. He did it to get the house behind him. It was crucial that he nominate Andrew as it was the group consensus after his actions last week trying to flip the house. Andrew says in DR that nominating him and Hamza was a weak move on Ryan’s part. He thought they were cool. They both came on BB to make big moves, but he was wrong.  After noms, Ali is making a sandwich in the pantry. Andrew comes in and starts talking…

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Prior to the HOH comp, we learn that Andrew tried to rally votes to keep Rozina. Andrew lied to houseguests, tried strong arming the guys to vote Ali out. On feeds, it turns out that he said he had the votes to save Rozina and would include people’s names that hadn’t agreed to vote out Ali. When people cross-referenced Andrew’s info, they found out he was lying. So, he’s gotten on everyone’s bad side. For the Right in the Kisser HOH competition, BBCAN sets up a bar with outgoing HOH Johnny as bartender. The houseguests filled out surveys about first…

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Johnny is trying to decide who to nominate out of the 6 people cast into hell. He decides to go with what he calls the “sad puppy” strategy, trying to make himself seem like he’ll be easy to manipulate. He cries to the girls cast into hell, saying that he feels evil for having to nominate people with only 6 options. When he tries the same strategy with Will, he can’t do it because he can’t understand what Will is saying. LOL. We need Will subtitles, and apparently so do the houseguests! Johnny decides that he wants to put Rozina…

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Canada pulls out all the stops in the premiere episode showcasing the season’s theme of Good verses Evil. There’s an angelic top floor and hellish bottom floor. The Have Not room is a catacomb that has ghosts lurking inside. Arisa thanks the fans for making BBCAN6 happen and fans are being rewarded with more power in the game than ever before. I hope that doesn’t mean we pick the winner. BBOTT PSD!  (Note to CBS: Look at BBCAN’s house and production value. After 20 years, it’s time for an upgrade!) I digress. Arisa introduces the first 5 houseguests: Hamza, Erica,…

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Want to watch all the action from BBCAN6 and you’re located in the US? No worries; we’ve got solutions for you. If you’re on a PC, I found a great free VPN extension that you can use with the Chrome browser. In 5 easy steps, you’ll be able to watch all the action from Click Settings on Chrome (the 3 vertical dots on the top right of the browser). Click More Tools from the menu. Another menu appears. Select Extensions. This opens a page with your extensions. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Add more…

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BBCAN6 has put together an exciting cast of newbie houseguests. While there are a lot of 20-somethings, there are some older houseguests, too. 14 are in already, and Canada gets to choose the last two houseguests. Here are the definite houseguests: Olivia Riemer is a 22-year-old student from Guelph, ON. She is described as polished, logical and a Type A personality that is an impatient neat freak that doesn’t like not having a structured schedule. She says that she’s on BBCAN because she loves the show, the money wouldn’t hurt, and she doesn’t want to lead a boring life. (WTF?…

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Marissa says that she survived 2 evictions in 1 night, even though Omarosa blew up her game. She argues openly in front of all 6 of the remaining houseguests that she doesn’t think that anyone can win in the end against Marissa. She asks Ross if he has a final 2 with James, to which they both reply they don’t. Omarosa says in DR that this was just for show to paint targets to keep from being the house’s next target. She says that she was the one to take James out, and on feeds, she said that whoever takes…

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With 5 houseguests left, 3 competitions and 3 evictions, this is an action-packed finale which will crown the winner of the inaugural season of Celebrity Big Brother. For the conclusion of the Rocky Mountain Glide HOH competition. Marissa falls first, then Ari falls leaving only Mark and Ross.  Ross tells Mark that he really wants a letter from home (his mother has cancer). Mark tells him that he is solid. Omarosa tries to break up their deal, saying that none of them can hear the terms. Ross promises Mark that he won’t put him up or backdoor him. Mark agrees…

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It’s Double Eviction night on Celebrity Big Brother, which means that allies may turn on each other. After Ross won the live veto, James chides him for using it on himself, saying they could’ve voted Brandi out last week. Ross says that 1. You never leave yourself on the block. 2. You never feel safe on the block even when you know you have the votes and 3. Metta really wanted to go home. James is such a douche, only thinking of himself and personal reasons for wanting Brandi out. If you win the veto, you pull yourself off the…

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