Author: Becca

Hi All! It's Becca, and l'm blogging Big Brother. I hope you’ll enjoy my take on the season. Aside from Big Brother recaps and spoilers, I also write essays, editorials, articles and poetry on my personal blog. Follow me on Twitter: @rebeccakayj. My opinions are mine alone, unless you agree with me. Then, they are facts. If you disagree with me, they are just alternative facts.

As we saw from the confused faces after Cody and Jessica’s nominations when no slithering sounded, everyone thinks that Jessica bluffed about her temptation. Afterwards, they both have crappy attitudes with their fellow houseguests when they try to hug them. Paul calls Jessica and Cody up to the HOH room to discuss their nominations. Paul tries to calmly talk to them, but Cody is super pissed off. Jessica starts trying to explain that this twist has never been used in BB before. Paul politely tells her to keep her voice down so no one will hear them. Cody explodes as…

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We saw Paul win HOH in the Inked and Evicted comp on Thursday’s episode. With the 8 people working together (Paul, Alex, Jason, Kevin, Josh, Christmas, Raven and Matt) to save Josh, Mark, Cody, Jessica and Elena are feeling like they are outsiders now. Paul goes to Elena after the live show and explains why taking Ramses out was the best strategic move. He is blaming Ramses for taking the $25K (to cover for Kevin), that he was sneaking around with no allegiance to anyone, telling lies about people and was a better competitor than Josh. We saw Jessica say…

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After the live show, and Jessica’s false statement that she and Cody have blanket safety “for the next few weeks,” Jessica tells Paul to have fun staying up late figuring out his nominations. He tells Jason and Kevin that he is going to call her bluff. He’s putting up Cody and Jessica. We see the behavior of Josh 10 hours before eviction, going completely ham on Mark. He is banging pans together to wake him up and throughout the house in what Big Brother and Josh call #MeatballBonding. It’s hilarious. Mark wants him gone, and Josh is pretending he’s going…

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Julie tells us that Jessica has had one of the most successful weeks in Big Brother history—she got the Halting Hex, her showmance is back in the house and she won HOH and Veto. Does her luck start to run out with tonight’s vote? Josh gets the award for most improved houseguest, and is awarded 2 hashtags by Big Brother. Josh has been acting like he’s miserable all week. He starts fake crying in the storage room with Elena: #TheEmmyGoesTo. Cut scene and we’re shown Josh doing the #MeatballDance in the ASPR after Jessica didn’t use the Veto. Plus, Jessica…

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We see that Josh is cut to his core by the speech that Jessica gave, stating that she doesn’t believe he deserves to be there. He is crying in the bathroom after the nominations. and Christmas comforts him. Jessica asks Elena if there is going to be a surprised with votes this week. Jessica asks Paul the same thing; he tells her to worry about the votes after Veto is played because they don’t know the final nominations. Paul calls Josh a gun and a shield in DR. Paul tells Josh to lay low, and he won’t go home. Sociopath…

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Jessica is super excited that Cody is back in the house. She immediately takes him to the APSR to make out and discuss the game. She tells him that Kevin and Jason have been so good to her. She tells him about the Halting Hex temptation. She says that Christmas, Paul, Alex and Josh all must go. Cody says that he came in and made a maverick move without discussing it with her, and now they are a team. They need to play by her rules because she has made great strides in repairing relationships with everyone in the house.…

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Julie comes to us to host the Battle Back Showdown, and explains that the 4 evicted houseguests will compete in 3 epic competitions, but this year there is no guarantee that they’ll actually return to the house. In the backyard, the 4 evictees are introduced through a cloud of smoke, like we don’t already know who they are. The rules are explained to them that they will compete in 3 competitions. The first is a head to head competition between all 4 of them. The first 2 to finish will move on to the second competition with the other 2…

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Jason admits after the veto meeting that he asked Dominique the follow up question about how they would rally if he used the veto on her so that she would further ship her own ship. In DR, Dominique blowing up is making it easier for Jessica to stay in the house. After the veto meeting, Dominique walks behind Alex in the kitchen and tells her she needs to protect herself. Elena says that Dom keeps saying she wants to watch the episodes back to see what happened. She says she can watch them back on Friday to see that I…

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Alex says that now that she and Paul are working together in secret, they are going to flip the house and get everyone out except themselves. Dominique thinks that people on her side of the house knew that she was going on the block. She only hugged Mark after nominations and got in bed. Paul goes to comfort her, and she gives a slightly maniacal laugh after he leaves the room. Paul has a funny DR in which he says, “Hello, houseguests. This is your puppet master. Who’re we voting out? Dominique. Yes, Paul. Yay, get Dom out!” Dominique, of…

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Thursday night’s HOH competition Space Cadets is an endurance wall comp. We could watch it on live feeds after Thursday’s show. First out was Josh, then Mark (because of his dislocated finger), Raven and Ramses fell next, then Kevin, next out were Jessica and Dominique until only Jason, Elena and Alex were left. Elena wasn’t going to let Cowboy win HOH because he’s all over the place; a 1,600-lb. bull stomping on your head will do that. Jason made a deal to keep Alex and Elena safe; they agreed and he dropped. Elena and Alex then negotiated a deal to…

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