Last week was a tough week for the queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race. They were faced with the return of someone who was eliminated from the competition—Trixie Mattel. (For a complete recap of last week, click here) So, naturally they need to let off some steam! What better way to do that than to throw shade at one another? That’s right, hunty! THE LIBRARY IS OFFICIALLY OPEN! This is one of the fan-favorite mini-challenges each season in which the queens each take turn reading one another. Up first is Ginger Minj and she threw some serious shade at Trixie (“Making fun of you is like shooting clownfish in a barrel… unfortunately that’s about as fishy as you’ll ever be!”) and Miss Fame for being unoriginal. Next up is Katya who says that Violet’s waist size is almost lower than her IQ! Next is Violet Chachki who said Trixie’s haute couture is more like “haute glue.” Next we have Miss Fame and she totally SUCKED at reading people. The silence in the werk room was almost uncomfortable as none of her jokes landed. Luckily, Kennedy Davenport is next and she said Trixie’s lip color makes her look like “the back of a baboon’s ass.” She also throws shade at Violet for looking like a horse or a giraffe. Now it is Trixie Mattel’s turn and she hurls a few good insults at her competitors. Finally, we have Pearl who was pretty funny as she made fun of Kennedy’s lazy eye (“You got your eye on the prize… and the other eye on the crown!”) Pearl is even prepared to read RuPaul himself until Ru declares that the library is officially closed! The winner of this mini-challenge is none other than Trixie Mattel!

Ru announces that this week they will be paying tribute to John Waters and the late great original drag superstar Divine! This week’s main challenge will have the queens screen testing for parts in a new Rusical based on some of John Waters’ iconic work. The queens break off into three teams for this challenge. Pearl, Fame and Violet are on one team, Kennedy and Katya form the second team and Ginger and Trixie are the third team.
It’s time for the main stage as the queens will be showing off their ugliest dresses on the runway as well as debuting their finished John Waters-inspired Rusicals! The best (worst?) looks on the runway this week belonged to Katya with her crocheted nightmare, Violet Chachki with her multicolored fiasco that looked like someone ate a ton of Froot Loops, went on a roller coaster and vomited her out, as well as Miss Fame with her hideously unflattering triangular gown.
Now, to the Rusicals! Up first, we have Kennedy Davenport and Katya in “Cha Cha Heels!” Kennedy and Katya both brought the ratchet with this one! I think that Katya sounded like Bea Arthur if she smoked a carton of
cigarettes a day for 30 years. Not to be out-trashed, we have Ginger Minj and Trixie in “Eggs.” They really went over the top with this one. It was a disgusting hot mess like
John Waters movies usually are. It was brilliant! Finally, Violet Chachki, Pearl and Miss Fame starred in “Poo.” This one, at least in my opinion, was not as good as the other two. It just felt as though they really didn’t put much effort into it.
It’s now time for the judges to critique the queens performances this week. Ginger Minj is told her performance as Edie was a masterpiece and their were moments where she looked exactly like her. Trixie was outshined a little bit by Ginger’s performance. Pearl’s performance was a little hesitant. Carson felt that Violet’s performance fell flat because she lacked the confidence needed in her role. Ru asks each queen whom they feel does not deserve to remain in the competition. Almost all of them agree that Miss Fame is consistently in the bottom each week and has never won a challenge. Violet, however, thinks it should be Trixie as she should be held to a higher standard since she came back into the competition. Miss Fame uses this as an opportunity to throw Pearl under the bus. Ginger Minj is named the winner of this week’s challenge and becomes the first one this season to win 3 challenges! The bottom two are Pearl and Miss Fame and they will now have to lip sync for their lives! The two perform to Demi Lovato’s “Really Don’t Care.” I never thought I would say this, but Pearl brought the most energy in this lip sync… and she didn’t even really try! Miss Fame appears as though she didn’t even try and has just given up. Miss Fame is the next queen to sashay away from the competition and we are now down to the SICKENING SIX!
What did you think of this week’s episode? Are you glad that Miss Fame sashayed away? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below or on Twitter!
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