Audrey and John are on the chopping block. After a crazy, dramatic week in the Big Brother house, one of them is about to be sent packing… and you probably already know who. Keep reading to find out what all happened in the latest live eviction!
We begin after the veto meeting, where Audrey decided she wasn’t going to show up! Everyone’s talking about how her being a spoiled brat is making history for the show. They wonder if she’s even going to show up to the eviction. DUH, she’s going to show up! It’s a contractual obligation for her to show up! Backtrack to just before the veto meeting, while everyone is talking about her weird behavior, Audrey is having a five-hour campout in the diary room! The houseguests say they have no issues with Audrey as a
person, but if she walks they will lose respect because so many people try to get on this show and would give anything to be on it. We feel the same way! She eventually emerges from the cozy seclusion of the diary room and tries to sneak back to the bedroom without being noticed, but everyone sees her and acts like they just saw a ghost. I think they were secretly hoping she would self-evict! Hey, that’s one less person in the way to $500,00 right? James makes her an omelette and takes it to her as a gesture of goodwill… yet she is a have-not. Rule-breaker! Off with her head!
Julie comes on screen in the house and tells them that the Wackstreet Boys have “taken the country by storm.” Uh, no… they really didn’t, but we know you need filler for the episode, so keep doin’ what you do, boo boo! She reads them a tweet from the REAL Backstreet Boys showing them support… a tweet that totally wasn’t solicited by production at all. She then tells John, Jason and Liz that it is time for their first live performance! They get up and totally ruin the moment by missing their cue and not dancing while the music plays. LOL! #FAIL!
We are shown a video montage of Audrey’s family at home cheering her on as she plays the game. While it is kind of weird to see someone’s family who is likely being evicted pre-jury, it was nice to see how her family is so incredibly supportive of her both in the game and in real life. They say that Audrey’s plan all along was to go in the house and stir the pot and set the pace of the game. The only problem is is that she played too hard, too fast. Even though she is being evicted as a result of her poor game play, I personally think it is nice that she has such a great group of people at home to go back to.
It is now time for the fourth live vote and eviction to take place! Julie informs us that Audrey WILL be receiving a penalty vote against her for willingly breaking the have-not food restriction. So, everyone can settle down since she is not getting off for her bad behavior! Audrey gives her final speech to the houseguests and is very gracious about it and thanks them for embracing her since the first day. She also tells them “Merry Frickin’ Christmas” because they are finally getting what they want by getting her out. It is now time for the voting to begin. Everyone casts a vote against Audrey except
Austin who is still trying to stir the pot with the wonky votes. By a vote of 9 (+1 penalty vote) to 1… Audrey is evicted from the Big Brother house! Audrey exits the house to uproarious applause from the special CBS-selected live audience. Let me start off by saying that this interview with Julie was very awkward. Audrey’s body language said it all… she did NOT want to be sitting there with the Chenbot! Audrey admits to the house that she really did not do what she planned on doing when she entered the house.
Two new Heads of Household are about to be crowned once again! This competition is called “Pop Till You Drop.” We immediately know that this is one of the knockout-style comps where alliances are outed to the house because houseguests try to get their enemies eliminated by pitting them against one another. The rules are simple. Two houseguests face off at the podium and a song is played describing one of the comps they have played in. The first one to correctly buzz in with HOH, BOB or POV will advance and select two more houseguests to face off with one another. It was hilarious to see James and Austin face off because of the embarrassingly obvious difference in their heights. Jackie becomes the first HOH of week five and Vanessa becomes the second HOH! Jackie finally will be forced to make a move in the game and she might finally get a little airtime! On the other hand, we will be forced to deal with yet another Vanessa HOH. She and Shelli are starting to dominate these HOHs and someone else really needs to win next time!
Yet again, there is no mention of a #BBtakeover twist, and it seems as if it has been abandoned after three weeks. It had so much potential to shake things up in this game! However, we are treated to a one-on-one interview with one of our favorites from Big Brother 12 and Big Brother 14, Britney Haynes!! We learn that Britney has TWO daughters now since we last saw her on the show. They are absolutely adorable babies, let me just tell you. Britney says that she loves motherhood and was definitely what she was meant to do. Britney says that this one of the best seasons in a while and she loves the gameplay. She says that she and Jason could have been the twin twist because he is sassy just like she is. She also declares her love for Johnny Mac… who doesn’t love him, right? She’s also surprised at the direction the twin twist went. Her picks to win the game are Vanessa, Shelli or Clay, and Jackie. On behalf of all of America, let me just say that I hope you are WRONG, Britney! 🙂
What are your thoughts on the episode? Are you glad Audrey is gone or do you wish she stayed longer? What are your thoughts on the new HOHs? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @vince1187!
AND DON’T FORGET… we’re mixing things up this season of Big Brother! First, Eric will be doing his comedic video mashups all season! We will of course be doing recap shows and interviews too! Then whenever something goes down on the feeds we will get on social media via periscope or youtube to discuss LIVE with you! We will also have recap blogs after every episode and speaking of episodes we will also be chatting live on this page and live tweeting during them! Still want more, then check our our forums! They are a great place for you to meet up with friends. But what were really excited about is our BIG BROTHER SPOILERS PAGE! It’s full of “Cheat Sheets” for you to use to stay on top of all the latest alliances and info!
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