Author: Dana

Dana is a reality show-aholic. Time sharing and DVR are two things that she could never give up for fear of missing anything. She loves to escape her reality and immerse herself into someone else’s whether it’s in the wilderness, a studio house or travelling the world. If there is a 12 step program for this addiction don’t tell her, she doesn't want to know. TV is a huge passion of hers. Dana loves it all from reality to crime drama, sit coms to soap operas. Dana has been married for 14 years, and has two children. She is training them to be reality TV addicts young. What kind of mother would she be if she didn’t right? Dana is from a suburb of Toronto, Ontario and is ready to dish on all Canadian Reality TV. There are so many exciting things coming out of Canada now, and she can’t wait to talk to you about all of it. Dana is a huge Days of Our Lives fan. If she could move to Salem and be Sami Brady’s BFF her life would be complete. Dana can’t wait to talk to each and every one of you on twitter, facebook, google plus and the YouTube comments section. Feel free to contact her at any time. She looks forward to all your comments and questions and will do her best to get you all the scoop ;)

-Listen the show right here, or download it from iTunes or Sticher from our PODCAST page- YOU CAN ALSO SEE ALL OUR BBCAN SHOWS, BLOGS & WEEKLY EXIT INTERVIEWS HERE.  AND IF YOU WANT TO SEE US DO THESE SHOWS LIVE BECOME A FAN ON YOUNOW FRIDAYS 7PM EST! We get to talk with BBCAN4 Golden Boy Jared Kesler. He talks with us about Kelsey and so much more. Dana is asking the questions that you tweet to us for the evicted house guest each week!  So make sure you follow us on twitter because we will pic the best ones to…

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OH MY GOD!  This double eviction episode was BANANAS! The emergence of Queen Cass as a power player this week was amazing. King Jared has been put on the block in replace of the brothers and he is not happy about it. Joel is feeling overwhelmed after a campaign attempt by Jared and the brothers. A bunch of lies about Tim and Cassandra have Joel re evaluating his alliance lines. He’s visibly upset and Cassandra not just for game but as a friend needs to find out what’s up. Joel’s not talking and neither is anyone in that conversation. Cassandra knows…

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With the Brothers Paquette and Nikki on the block for the first time all season, the boys vow to go win the veto or go out swinging.  They vow to make sure its two Canadians in the final 2. Nikki and Tim are not impressed with the brother’s statement what so ever. Cassandra is still being nice to the boys in case they win veto and blaming their nomination on “the house”. The brothers go to the hot tub for bro time and the “unwanted foreigners” follow them out where they put their foot in it even more telling Tim…

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-Listen the show right here, or download it from iTunes or Sticher from our PODCAST page- YOU CAN ALSO SEE OUR OTHER BBCAN SHOWS & WEEKLY EXIT INTERVIEWS HERE.  AND IF YOU WANT TO SEE US DO THESE SHOWS LIVE BECOME A FAN ON YOUNOW FRIDAYS 7PM EST! OR VISIT THIS PAGE TO DONATE DIRECTLY TO THE BBCAN4 INTERVIEW FUNDRAISER So much is happening we can’t get it all in one show so we added a bonus Monday night spoilers show where we talk whats happening on the feeds and everything you want to hear about. Feel like ranting about a…

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Now that the brothers managed to get enemy number 1 Maddy evicted, Big Brother has thrown another curve ball their way. Their loved one are standing on the edge of a crater playing the HOH competition for them. In Between a Rock and a Hard Place their loved ones need to stand there and count how many rocks are falling from the sky. When they think they’ve seen 1000 rocks fall they hit their buzzers and the closest one over or under wins the HOH for their player. Nothing is always as easy as it seems though. Along the way…

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-Listen the show right here, or download it from iTunes or Sticher from our PODCAST page- YOU CAN ALSO SEE OUR OTHER BBCAN SHOWS & WEEKLY EXIT INTERVIEWS HERE.  AND IF YOU WANT TO SEE US DO THESE SHOWS LIVE BECOME A FAN ON YOUNOW FRIDAYS 7PM EST! OR VISIT THIS PAGE TO DONATE DIRECTLY TO THE BBCAN4 INTERVIEW FUNDRAISER We are back covering another season of Big Brother Canada and we are so excited. We recap everything this week. Starting with Maddy’s surprising HOH win to the cheating scandals and kiss gate, fill you in on ALL the dramatics. So…

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-Listen the show right here, or download it from iTunes or Sticher from our PODCAST page- YOU CAN ALSO SEE ALL OUR BBCAN SHOWS, BLOGS & WEEKLY EXIT INTERVIEWS HERE.  AND IF YOU WANT TO SEE US DO THESE SHOWS LIVE BECOME A FAN ON YOUNOW FRIDAYS 7PM EST! We get to talk with BBCAN4 Villain Maddy Pavle. She talks with us about strategy and so much more.  Dana is asking the questions that you tweet to us for the evicted house guest each week!  So make sure you follow us on twitter because we will pic the best ones to ask…

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It was an emotional week in the BBCAN Grand this week. So much happened where to start. Maddy and Ramsey are on the block. The brothers are feeling secure in their decision (Tim’s decision really) and showing loyalty. While Ramsey is taking it in stride, Maddy is angry. Why can’t they see Jared is the bigger threat. It makes no sense that the little blonde girl is the bigger physical threat than the beef cake. She even refuses to hug Kelsey and Jared after the nomination ceremony. Kelsey, Tim and Nikki are picked to play the veto competition when reality…

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-Listen the show right here, or download it from iTunes or Sticher from our PODCAST page- YOU CAN ALSO SEE OUR OTHER BBCAN SHOWS & WEEKLY EXIT INTERVIEWS HERE.  AND IF YOU WANT TO SEE US DO THESE SHOWS LIVE BECOME A FAN ON YOUNOW FRIDAYS 7PM EST! OR VISIT THIS PAGE TO DONATE DIRECTLY TO THE BBCAN4 INTERVIEW FUNDRAISER ISo much is happening we can’t get it all in one show so we added a bonus Monday night spoilers show where we talk whats happening on the feeds and everything you want to hear about. Feel like ranting about a…

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Canada you spoke and Nick and Phil are our new HOH’s this week. What is going to happen is anyone’s game. Kelsey and Jared are extremely nervous. The brothers have been very cards close to their chest with their game and they have no idea what they will do. Although Kelsey has had a relationship with both, Jared has totally ignored them. Kelsey urges him to talk to the brothers but he’s being an obstinent child and won’t. The brothers go to Tim for some advice which he happily obliges. Cassandra has set her sights on operation save Kelsey and…

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